Grading Policy

Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Physical Education Grading Policy

This policy is aligned with the OLMC Parent Student Handbook and the California Content Standards for Physical Education.

Students are responsible for conducting themselves in a respectful manner.  This includes but is not limited to treating others and all equipment / facilities with respect.  If a student demonstrates inappropriate Behavior, Conduct or Disrespect he or she will be sent out of class to the Re-Focus Station and will fill-out the Re-Focus Station Worksheet.  Conduct grades represent the number of times a student fills-out a Re-Focus Station Worksheet ( for inappropriate conduct ) each quarter.
-   No Worksheets = 1 Conduct Grade – Outstanding
-   1 or 2 Worksheets = 2 Conduct Grade – Meets Expectations
-   3 or 4 Worksheets = 3 Conduct Grade – Improvement Needed
-   5 or more Worksheets = 4 Conduct Grade – Unsatisfactory

Students are expected to demonstrate noticeable effort in Physical Education class.  This includes all fitness, sport, team-building and dance activities.  If a student fails to demonstrate effort, they will fill-out a Re-Focus Station Worksheet.  Effort grades represent the number of times a student fills-out a Re-Focus Station Worksheet ( for lack of effort ) each quarter.
-   No Worksheets = 1 Effort Grade – Outstanding
-   1 or 2 Worksheets = 2 Effort Grade – Meetings Expectations
-   3 or 4 Worksheets = 3 Effort Grade – Improvement Needed
-   5 or more Worksheets = 4 Effort Grade – Unsatisfactory

Letter Grade
Each quarter a student starts with a total of 64 points ( 64 / 64 = 100% = A ).  Based on the California Content Standards for Physical Education points are awarded in three areas:  Physical Performance, Knowledge and Behavior in Physical Education.

*      Performance:  Effort will be used to determine this portion of the grade rather than grading students on skill or performance of skill.  Each Re-Focus Station Worksheet = minus 2 points
*      Knowledge:  Student knowledge of Physical Education will be assessed using your child’s Physical Education Journal.  Assignments include written tests, vocabulary, self-reflection, etc.  Assignments = 4 points
*      Behavior:  Behavior = Conduct, therefore conduct will be used to determine this portion of the grade.  Each Re-Focus Station Worksheet = minus 2 points